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Pierce é eleito melhor jogador da semana

Loja de camisas da NBA

Ala Celta foi eleito o melhor da conferência leste na última semana.

A NBA divulgou nesta segunda-feira que o ala Paul Pierce, do Boston Celtics, e o armador Chris Paul, do Los Angeles Clippers, foram eleitos os melhores jogadores da Liga na última semana. A escolha diz respeito ao desempenho dos atletas entre os dias 26 de março e 1o de abril.

Pierce, o melhor da conferência Leste, ajudou o Celtics a vencer os quatro jogos disputados na última semana. O camisa 34 do time de Boston alcançou médias de 25.0 pontos, 8.2 rebotes e 2.5 assistências. A melhor atuação de Pierce foi na partida contra o Charlotte Bobcats, disputada na segunda-feira, dia 26. Na ocasião, ele anotou 36 pontos e pegou dez rebotes.

Já Paul, o melhor do Oeste, ajudou o Clippers a vencer as quatro partidas que disputou na semana passada. O armador conseguiu médias de 21.5 pontos e 11.3 assistências. Sua melhor atuação foi contra o New Orleans Hornets. No jogo disputado no último dia 26, Paul marcou 25 pontos e distribuiu dez assistências.

Fonte: Jumper Brasil

13 comentários

    1. If I truly believed in white lnoitnaaism (as opposed to being curious and ambivalent) and wasn’t half-Jewish, I would be member of National Alliance and work to rebuild it. Pierce created an amazing body of work, intellectual and organizational, in his lifetime. It is a shame from POV of white lnoitnaaism that the organization he founded apparently is a ghost of its former self. A top-down organization led by charismatic founder/unquestioned leader needs to transform itself into s bottom-up organization accountable to its members after the death of its founder, or it will decline into shells of its former self, usually governed by some laughable tinpot dictator.

  • Nada mal! Por um jogador que já estava sendo considerado velho e ultrapassado por muitos comentaristas na mídia americana ( a maioria deles fanáticos pelos Lakers).
    Eles não entendem que o “The Truth” sempre teve esse estilo de jogar mais cadenciado e não preciso comentar que com esse estilo ele se tornou um dos maiores pontuadores da história dos C’s!!

    1. Good video editing, it could be niulcded in a longer TV show like something you’d see on The History Channel.Even the blacks who aren’t criminals and psychopaths are just a lower class of people. They’re far more often rude, hostile, incompetent and degenerate.

  • Merecido, já fazia tempo que não via ele jogando desse jeito. Tanto ele quanto o Garnett.

    1. I went to Jamaica last May. It’s about the same situation in Haiti, epecxt Jamaica isn’t that bad on the west coast near Montego Bay. Kington, however, is on par with Haiti because they’re too busy defending a cocaine/marijuana/arms smuggler who is supposed to be extradited to the USA for his crimes but he’s so integrated with the local corrupt politicians that they have put that off for years.It’s interesting to drive through a slum, then an affluent neighborhood, slum, gated community, slum, bigger slum, and through gates of safety at your private house you’re staying at with a security guard with dreadlocks supposedly going to keep you safe at night.I stayed at the Hammerstein House (also called Highland House ) where Oscar Hammerstein wrote The Sound of Music musical score.Watching this video was an eye opener. Anyone care to post it to liberals to get a hilarious reaction? I remember the Help Haiti was all the craze when the earthquake happened. I’m sorta on the side of Pat Robertson, maybe God was at work since the corruption went all the way up to the President and his mansion was completely destroyed.

  • O time ta bem demais, todo mundo ta rendendo até mais do que o esperado.
    Rondo, quanto mais importante o jogo melhores são os números dele.
    Bradley, Grata surpresa
    Bass, não compromete e da uma boa ajuda no ataque
    Garnet e Pierce dispensam comentários
    Se o Ainge não fosse burro
    e tivesse trazido JJ Hickson que tá gastando a bola no Blazzers
    Dava pra sonha com título de conferência pelo menos
    mais mesmo assim
    eu tenho fé que vamos incomodar muita gente ainda …

  • William Pierce was a great thinker, a Great Man, and pitentoally a great leader. But before his time. Now, the Time is upon us, but there is not yet a Pierce. In fact there are hundreds of men with his potential now waiting-in-the-wings and, as the economic-political decay of ZOG continues and accelerates, they will begin to appear. Some will rise, only to fall again then One will triumph and change the World.

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