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Celtics 94 x 82 Jazz

Camisas de times da NBA em promoção!

Equipe vence sua terceira partida seguida antes de enfrentar seu mês mais complicado da temporada.

O Boston Celtics alcançou a terceira vitória consecutiva ao bater o Utah Jazz por 94 a 82, em Boston. A partida estava empatada até certo ponto do último  período, quando Kevin Garnett, com ações tanto no ataque quanto na defesa, levou o Celtics a uma vantagem de sete pontos que foi mantida até o fim do jogo.

O time green chegou a abrir 18 pontos de vantagem no primeiro tempo e permitiu uma reação ao time de Utah em uma corrida de 23-5, mas ainda conseguiu vencer a partida.

Garnett anotou um duplo-duplo, com 23 pontos e 10 rebotes, Pierce apareceu bem também com 20 pontos, Bass deixou a quadra com 19 tentos e Rondo com 14 assistências. Pelo Jazz o melhor foi Big Al, Jefferson anotou 18 pontos e 12 rebotes.

7 comentários

  • Os pessimistas diriam … 18 pts na frente
    ai deixaram os cara encostar e fico tenso até o final
    Já eu prefiro dizer, que mesmo sem mts jogadores importantes
    contra um time que vinha ganhando de muita gente
    dominamos o jogo a partir do segundo periodo
    e se não me engano, não deixamos eles passar a frente em nenhum momento …
    ótima vitoria, agora tem que segurar o Kevin Love :O

    1. need info on THE RICE DIET SOLUTION please ?can’t find the book wnhayere 2 buy and will take 3 weeks 2 get from library. need to know please, what else besides white bread, constitutes a STARCH and quanity, and can bananas be eaten and how much. also what bout other fruits CANNED , in ther own or natual juice ? also, even though I doubt it, how bout V8, or garden cocktail juice ? thanks, big SURPRISE birthday, ( for me ) coming up !

    2. I bought The Diet Solution onlnie Is it a book?Hello! I bought the Diet solution onlnie .and apparently nothing happened!!! There was a special offer for $47 for a complete set of things, but I havent recieved an email that my order has shipped??I mean, are they gonna send me a book or something or is it just permission to see their articles and recipies onlnie??Im really pissed!!

  • Boa vitoria com KG só de titular quando o banco entrava abriram os 18pts,se a defesa fosse mais regular estariamos entre os 3,um quarto leva 13pts em outro acima de 35….DEFENSE…Aquela assistencia do Rondo enganou a todo mundo

    1. i need help for a menu on the rice diet?i bought the rice diet ooultisn book and it seems like it will work, and i’m really desperate right now. but i don’t know what to eat. the food ideas they have are insane. i don’t have any of that crap in my fridge. a basic day would be Breakfast 1 starch, 1 non-fat dairy, 1 fruit. lunch: 3 starches, 3vegetables, 1 fruit and dinner is the same. i really need ideas. and you can’t add salt to anything. please someone help me with this. its wicked frustrating.

    2. aunque debes considerar que el FBI acaba de pbilucar en su pagina archivos desclasificados de rosswell donde un agente enviado ahi confirma que cayo un objeto ahi con 3 tripulantes dentro.XD la verdad nose que creeer .. entra tu a la pagina del FBI en la seccion de vault.. y velo por ti mismo

  • I bought two picoes of a Diet solution by Kevin Trudeau The Weight Loss Cure as advertised on TV.They arrived I found that you must inject hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which you cannot get in N.A. to my knowledge (he had to go to Germany for his) . He states that without the injection, the diet will NOT work 1) you will be hungry tired 2) you will lose muscle and structural fat 3) you will NOT lose any of the abnormal fat deposits in problem areas 4) when you finish the diet your metabolism will be lower than before your hunger higher than before. You WILL NOT HAVE achieved the results you want. So why would I want this book? I tried to return the books immediately sent 3 requests to Trudeau’s web site with no response during the required return policy time but received no answer. Then I discovered the sheet in the box. They say I am too late (by a couple of days) and therefore no refund. Is there anyone out there with the same experience and has found a way to resolve this??????

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